Top Tips for 2025: Year of the Wood Snake

Amanda Sophia Feng Shui Podcast

Feng Shui Your Home & Life

With Amanda Sophia

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Beloved, welcome to The Amanda Sophia Podcast, a carefully curated space to support you as you awaken to joy, embrace your greatest self, and create a life of balance you love.

Grab a cuppa and join Feng Shui Master and Priestess, Amanda Sophia as she interviews fellow spiritual thought leaders. and practitioners. Learn how to implement Feng Shui best practices, and ancient spiritual teachings from The Celtic Wheel to manifest a life of abundance, health, and inner healing. Each episode offers tangible tips you can implement in your everyday life to honor your highest self, be of service to others, grow your business as a lightworker, and embrace the present moment.

Are you ready to live your most fulfilled life, beloveds?

New to the Amanda Sophia podcast?

Start with these episodes

50 RELATIONSHIP SECRETS EVERYONE NEEDS TO KNOW THUMB - Listen on your favorite podcast platform, including:
10 THE UNIVERSE HAS YOUR BACK 2 - Listen on your favorite podcast platform, including:
Love the Land and it Will Love You Back in Return with Alex Stark
59 DRUIDRY LIVING IN HARMORNY THUMB 1 - Listen on your favorite podcast platform, including:

View All Episodes Below

Top Tips for 2025: Year of the Wood Snake

Top Tips for 2025: Year of the Wood Snake

Let's talk about the transformational year of the wood snake! In this episode, I will guide you through the profound symbolism of the Yin Wood Snake. I'll share insights into what this unique year holds and how to align your energy, home, and intentions for a...

How to Master The Art of Success: Enhance Your Abundance Mindset

How to Master The Art of Success: Enhance Your Abundance Mindset

Let's explore the power of intentionality and the abundance mindset. Start by taking a moment to close your eyes and truly feel your space. Does it feel supportive or blocked? Our homes, the little universes within the universe, are powerful tools that can either...

How to Embrace Holistic Healing through Art Therapy & Feng Shui

How to Embrace Holistic Healing through Art Therapy & Feng Shui

In this episode, we discuss How to Embrace Holistic Healing through Art Therapy and Feng Shui as Jacqueline shares each stepping stone of her practice and how it continues to evolve. Watch Episode on Youtube Jacqueline went through a journey of stepping stones, each...

What are the different types of Feng Shui?

What are the different types of Feng Shui?

Join us in this foundational episode as we delve into the fascinating realm of Feng Shui, unraveling the mysteries behind the different types of Feng Shui and how Feng Shui is more than just numbers or organization of furniture. Listen on iTunes and Subscribe! I’ll be...

Feng Shui Expert Panel: How to Activate Wealth & Abundance

Feng Shui Expert Panel: How to Activate Wealth & Abundance

In this episode, our Expert Panel unravels the mysteries for you on how to activate Wealth & Abundance with Feng Shui and set your home & life up for success. Listen on iTunes and Subscribe! Join me in this enlightening episode as we welcome four incredible...

What is Geopathic Stress & How Does it Affect Us with Alex Stark

What is Geopathic Stress & How Does it Affect Us with Alex Stark

Join us for a captivating yet informative episode about what Geopathic stress is and how it affects us with special guest Alex Stark, a renowned Geomancer, Shaman, Feng Shui Expert, and Architect. Listen on iTunes and Subscribe! In short, Geopathic stress refers to...

Feng Shui Expert Panel on Health & Wellness

Feng Shui Expert Panel on Health & Wellness

Join me for an enlightening episode featuring our very first Feng Shui expert panel, where we will discuss how Feng Shui can improve overall health & wellness in your home and life! Listen on iTunes and Subscribe! In this episode, I will be discussing the...

Discovering the Inner Power of Our Environments with Angela Morris

Discovering the Inner Power of Our Environments with Angela Morris

In this episode, I have a conversation with Angela Morris about discovering the inner power of our environments, both our physical and inner landscape. Listen on iTunes and Subscribe! We dive into the world of Feng Shui and the power of our environments to impact our...

Guided Meditation: Connecting with the 5 Feng Shui Elements

Guided Meditation: Connecting with the 5 Feng Shui Elements

In this Guided Meditation, we’re connecting with the 5 Feng Shui Elements on a deeper level to work on our mind-body connection with the earth, with the elements, and with Source. Listen on iTunes and Subscribe! Recently, we’ve discussed How to Calculate your Personal...

Enhance your home’s energy using Feng Shui with Paula Nielsen

Enhance your home’s energy using Feng Shui with Paula Nielsen

In this episode, we discuss how to enhance your home’s energy using Feng Shui with Paula Nielsen, who has experienced amazing shifts both personally and with her clients’ homes. Listen on iTunes and Subscribe! Paula started getting really interested in energy at a...

How Somatic Healing Works with Rebecca Tolin

How Somatic Healing Works with Rebecca Tolin

Have you ever wondered How Somatic Healing Works? Rebecca Tolin has gone through the entire journey of trauma, and illness and then slowly working through a journey of healing, restoration, and reconnection. Listen on iTunes and Subscribe! In this episode, we welcome...

Feng Shui Tips for Love & Relationships

Feng Shui Tips for Love & Relationships

Whether you’re looking to attract love, encourage intimacy in your relationship, or perhaps increase self-love then these Feng Shui Tips for Love & Relationships are for you! Listen on iTunes and Subscribe! Feng Shui can help you attract love, encourage love and...

Holistic Interior Design using Feng Shui with Rachel Larraine

Holistic Interior Design using Feng Shui with Rachel Larraine

Beloved, in this episode I interview the amazing award-winning Holistic Interior Designer, Rachel Larraine who discovered her passion in Holistic Interior Design using Feng Shui. Listen on iTunes and Subscribe! Rachel Larraine is one of my beloved alumni from the...

My Number 1 Daily Grounding Practice with Guided Meditation

My Number 1 Daily Grounding Practice with Guided Meditation

Beloved, this meditation is a daily grounding practice of mine which allows me so much freedom of spirit and true connection to Source, the land, and others. Listen on iTunes and Subscribe! It’s so easy for us to experience a disconnect, for us to isolate ourselves,...

The benefits of Feng Shui and Geomancy with Helene Zosso Lang

The benefits of Feng Shui and Geomancy with Helene Zosso Lang

Listen on iTunes and Subscribe! Beloved, this interview will go deep into the journey of the Goddess Helene Zosso, Feng Shui Consultant who’s now found her passion with Geomancy. Helene discusses how Feng Shui has left a beautiful imprint on her and her family and how...

How to promote health and wellness with Feng Shui

How to promote health and wellness with Feng Shui

How can Feng Shui help promote health and wellness in the home? Can Feng Shui help my health issues? Listen on iTunes and Subscribe! Definitely! Feng Shui contains many remedies, tools, and practices that will improve health issues through following the Flying Stars...

The Healer: Aligning with the Land and Stars

The Healer: Aligning with the Land and Stars

If you’re a healer, massage therapist, acupuncturist, life coach or perhaps a yoga instructor, Feng Shui can improve the quality of your services as well as your client’s wellbeing, hear it from a unique healer right here!

Letting your purpose lead you with Civil Engineer, Liz Dupre

Letting your purpose lead you with Civil Engineer, Liz Dupre

Beloveds, in this episode I interview Liz Dupre, who is a student of mine who has walked journeys and rediscovered her passions over and over again. She completed the Feng Shui Master Certification course and then moved to the Online Geomancy and Land Healing course with myself and Alex Stark.

The evolution of careers and transition into Feng Shui consultancy with Meena Jagpal-Paré

The evolution of careers and transition into Feng Shui consultancy with Meena Jagpal-Paré

From a coffee table book and a few consultations, Meena knew from a spiritual point of view that she needed to continue forward to focus on healing the environment and looking beyond. She researched many schools, practices and traditions and found the International Feng Shui School, which she now holds a certification with, among other courses that led her to the healing work she does now.

Acupuncture for your environment with Najah Abdus-Salaam

Acupuncture for your environment with Najah Abdus-Salaam

In this episode, we discuss the talented Najah Abdus-Salaam’s wisdom as an Acupuncturist, Feng Shui Consultant, Intuitive Healer, and Daoist Stone Medicine practitioner. We speak on elements, crystals, and vibrational medicine that can elevate your home and environment. Feng Shui acts as Acupuncture for the home and we discuss the benefits of working with these tools to express your connection to your higher self, your healing journey, and harmony within the home.

Realign your soul’s purpose with Numerology

Realign your soul’s purpose with Numerology

In this episode, Gráinne, who is an International Numerologist, beautifully in-tune Soul-Seer, and Spiritual Healer, discusses Numerology and how she was catapulted into her awakening.

The Natural Convergence of Geomancy and Feng Shui with Christina Galloway

The Natural Convergence of Geomancy and Feng Shui with Christina Galloway

Christina shares her journey of education through the International Feng Shui School and her magical experience of coming to Ireland for the Land healing and Clearing Certification with myself and Alex Stark. If you’re curious about a career that feeds your soul and how to implement steps of empowerment in your daily life, this podcast is definitely for you!

Healing with Feng Shui with Sherry Brouzes

Healing with Feng Shui with Sherry Brouzes

  Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! Did you know Feng Shui can promote Healing? Join me as I interview Feng Shui Goddess, Sherry Brouzes. Sherry is a Certified Feng Shui Practitioner & Graduate of the International Feng Shui School, as well as other Feng Shui...

Creating a Home with Feng Shui

Creating a Home with Feng Shui

  Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! Do you seek the story behind your space? You’ll love my chat with Feng Shui Consultant and International best-selling author, Charlie Ropsy. Charlie helps clients detach from toxic environments and transforms houses into homes....

Heal and Embrace Your Calling with Feng Shui

Heal and Embrace Your Calling with Feng Shui

  Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! Do you have a curiosity for more Feng Shui knowledge and a growing need for self-appreciation? Do you wish to discover your own magic and power? I think you’ll learn so much from this lovely conversation with my lifelong friend,...

Feng Shui Podcast and How your environment can affect your Energy

Feng Shui Podcast and How your environment can affect your Energy

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! How do you feel when you step into your home? Does it bring you joy or do you feel weighed down? We can often overlook how our environment influences us and what effect it may have in our day-to-day lives.   In today's podcast, I join...

How We Heal with Rebecca Tolin

How We Heal with Rebecca Tolin

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! Hello Beloveds, I am overjoyed to share my good friend Rebecca Tolin with you. She has a message of hope for those with...

Wisdom Wednesdays: Guilt as a Teacher

Wisdom Wednesdays: Guilt as a Teacher

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! Do you often feel guilty? In this episode I guide you through a journey of self-discovery through a powerful teacher....

Wisdom Wednesdays: Resilience

Wisdom Wednesdays: Resilience

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! Beloveds, please know that you are spiritually, physically, mentally and emotionally stronger than you realize....

The Triple Goddess with Syma Kharal

The Triple Goddess with Syma Kharal

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! To always feel and to know that you are divine is obtainable. To see yourself in the story of goddesses from...

Restore for Life with Dr Zach Bush

Restore for Life with Dr Zach Bush

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! Cancer and autoimmune diseases have become so prevalent that we must ask ourselves “What, on earth, is going...

Shine Your Light, Beloved

Shine Your Light, Beloved

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! Beloved, you are a unique and beautiful light in this world. A world that longs to see the full and...

The Power of The Spoken Word

The Power of The Spoken Word

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! On some level we all know that there is power to our words. Our words are how we create our own...

The Art of Letting Go

The Art of Letting Go

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! Space... Freedom... Joy... The benefits of letting go can be yours with some mindfulness and intention. I...

Do You Feel at Home with Yourself?

Do You Feel at Home with Yourself?

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! Do you feel at home with yourself? When you truly embody home inside yourself you can be anywhere and with...

The Universe is Speaking to You

The Universe is Speaking to You

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! Do you ever feel like the universe is trying to tell you something? Do you have a hard time...

Grounding Your Energy

Grounding Your Energy

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! When we are fully grounded we feel centered in who we are and where we are in our lives. Feeling a deep...

Raise Your Vibration

Raise Your Vibration

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! Vibrating at the level of pure love, joy and abundance can be a reality for all of us. In this episode I...

Survival of the Adaptable

Survival of the Adaptable

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! We all know about the saying survival of the fittest... but what about survival of the flexible? Life...

Creating Home As Sanctuary

Creating Home As Sanctuary

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! Looking towards and creating your home is one of the most powerful ways you can effect your life. If...

Aligning With Your Higher Self

Aligning With Your Higher Self

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! Do you long to connect to your higher self? Your true and authentic self? It only takes a few...

You Are Not Your Past

You Are Not Your Past

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! Could attachment to the past rob you of your joy and energy now? You are not your past, you are not your...

How To Truly Love Yourself

How To Truly Love Yourself

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! One of the most empowering steps you can take in your life is the practice of self love. From the...

Being There For You with Abby Wynne

Being There For You with Abby Wynne

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! Do you trust and follow your gut? Following our intuition takes courage and self-knowledge! Join Abby and I...

The Universe Has Your Back

The Universe Has Your Back

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! When we try to do everything from our own personal will, we miss out on all of the incredible support and guidance the...

Releasing the Old

Releasing the Old

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! The only person who can truly create lasting change in your life is you. In this podcast, we discuss the very powerful topic of...

Magic & Miracles

Magic & Miracles

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! In this podcast, we consider the various ways to inhabit a life full of magic and miracles. Learn simple steps and techniques to...

Loss & Grief

Loss & Grief

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! Loss and grief is something that affects us all simply by virtue of being human. The ability to be with our grief provides...

It Is Your Birthright

It Is Your Birthright

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! Happiness is an inside job. In this podcast, we look at how to take our power back and step into the inherent birthright...

Honoring the Divine Sensual Being

Honoring the Divine Sensual Being

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! Sensuality can be expressed through every stage and chapter of our lives. This podcast offers an invitation to...

Higher Self Meditation

Higher Self Meditation

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! In this meditation, take a journey into the realms of your higher self. This is the place in which we truly create what...

Golden Thread

Golden Thread

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! This podcast offers a peek into the world of accessing your intuition and allowing it to fluidly guide you in your life. Listen...

Forgiveness Meditation

Forgiveness Meditation

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! In this podcast, join us as we uncover what is means to be truly authentic, with ourselves, with others, and in our lives....

Are you being honest with yourself?

Are you being honest with yourself?

Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! In this podcast, join us as we uncover what is means to be truly authentic, with ourselves, with others, and in...