Earth healing and Autumn Equinox with Alex Stark

Earth healing and Autumn Equinox with Alex Stark


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Beloved, welcome to the Autumn Equinox.

Equinox is derived from the Latin words “equi” meaning equal and “nox” meaning night. The Autumn Equinox takes place twice a year and happens when the sun rises due east and sets due west. Day and night are equal in length. At the precise moment of the equinox, the sun crosses the earth’s equatorial plane.

Summer has ripened and gone to seed. The earth dies a little each day, and we must embrace this slow descent into the dark before we can truly appreciate the light that will return. 

This is an invitation to let go, reflect, pause, and hibernate. Autumn Equinox is a divine dance of balancing the light and dark, the masculine and feminine, and the inner and outer. Soon, nature will guide us into a time ahead for dreaming.

Join me in today’s chat on land healing featuring my dear friend and colleague, Alex Stark. 

Learn more about the Online Geomancy and Land Healing Certification here.

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Alex has spent years studying how the Earth connects and communicates with us. He shares deep knowledge about the difference of land when it is in its natural and healthy state with those that have gone through trauma and pain. He also gives us wisdom on what impacts can be made to the land and how it makes a difference to the people living on it. We uncover interesting knowledge and get to know the land on which we live more. 

Alex Stark is an internationally recognized European Geomancer, Feng Shui master, Architect, an Oriental Astrologer, and a Native American Earth Healing. As such, he advises on issues of design and placement for built environments and issues on personal transformation. 

Alex is a recipient of a Ford Foundation Scholarship for Cross-Cultural Studies and named Scholar of the House by Yale University. He’s been a consultant to the United Nations Development Program in Public Health and Regional Planning. 

Episode #69

In this episode we chat about…

12:37 Welcome to the circle of healing
16:24 Invitation to create an altar
18:30 Allowing your roots to go deep into the Earth
22:55 Becoming the altar
23:56 Be grateful to the land, and what it gave you  
25:05 Fulfilling the health, and wellness of the natural world
31:37 Distract yourself through the vehicle of nature
33:54 Seeing the abundance 
35:04 You are your true self 
36:40 Learning from our ancestors
38:24 Living your truth

My invitation to you is to give yourself this tremendous gift. 

Love, Amanda

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