Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! I am so inspired by speaking with Laura Swan. Her story of lack turned into purpose is a true example of alchemy and how enlightened conscious feminine leaders are going to change the world. Join me for a chat with Laura as she shares with us about her calling to true leadership and the benefit of creating sisterhood circles around you. We learn about the beauty that is created when you deeply and truly connect with other women and the divine feminine within yourself. By doing this work we are creating a more empowered place for our children to grow up. The rights of passage of life take on a deeper meaning when witnessed and held by yours sisters. By being vulnerable and willing to take the first step into sharing your life with others you can create meaning and healing in your life. Laura is proof that if you believe that you can create you will.
Laura’s Links:
Episode Mentioned Links:
Lead your own woman’s circle class information: A Self-Study program
Laura’s generous offer exclusively for our listeners: join her “Lead your own woman’s circle” online class for free! Register here
Claiming the Creatrix with Laura Swan
Episode #22
In this episode we chat about:
3:30|Laura’s Story
6:31|Being fully expressed enhances motherhood
11:00|What happens when you create a village
14:57|Checking in to create balance
22:02|A calling to circle with sisters
25:16|Lead your own women’s circles
28:27|Healing feminine wounding
31:31|Being heard heals
34:15|Laura’s rituals & books
My invitation to you is give yourself this tremendous gift.
Love, Amanda