The Universe Has Your Back

10 THE UNIVERSE HAS YOUR BACK 2 - Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! When we try to do everything from our own personal will, we miss out on all of the incredible support and guidance the Universe is always trying to bestow upon us. Life can become a flow of divine grace and trust when we learn how to co-create with the Universe. This podcast discusses ways in which we can create a deeper connection with the Universal current that is always conspiring for our highest good, regardless of the circumstances. Learn how to raise your vibration and step into alignment with this universal stream of consciousness to attract greater love, peace, and harmony into your life.


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Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! When we try to do everything from our own personal will, we miss out on all of the incredible support and guidance the Universe is always trying to bestow upon us. Life can become a flow of divine grace and trust when we learn how to co-create with the Universe. This podcast discusses ways in which we can create a deeper connection with the Universal current that is always conspiring for our highest good, regardless of the circumstances. Learn how to raise your vibration and step into alignment with this universal stream of consciousness to attract greater love, peace, and harmony into your life.

The Universe Has Your Back

Episode #10


3:01|Letting go of anything
5:25|Feel your connection to your higher self
7:50|Feel the sun
9:03|If you jump off the edge you will be caught
11:43|Recognize the universe is always guiding you
12:50|When we truly trust in the divine laws of the Universe
13:36|I invite you to become clear
14:20|Trust in the feeling of abundance

My invitation to you is give yourself this tremendous gift. 

Love, Amanda

amandasophia blog - Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! When we try to do everything from our own personal will, we miss out on all of the incredible support and guidance the Universe is always trying to bestow upon us. Life can become a flow of divine grace and trust when we learn how to co-create with the Universe. This podcast discusses ways in which we can create a deeper connection with the Universal current that is always conspiring for our highest good, regardless of the circumstances. Learn how to raise your vibration and step into alignment with this universal stream of consciousness to attract greater love, peace, and harmony into your life.
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