Higher Self Meditation

4 HIGHER SELF MEDITATION 1 - Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! In this meditation, take a journey into the realms of your higher self. This is the place in which we truly create what we desire, receive our soul’s messages, and connect with the Universal consciousness of Love.


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Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! In this meditation, take a journey into the realms of your higher self. This is the place in which we truly create what we desire, receive our soul’s messages, and connect with the Universal consciousness of Love.

Higher Self Meditation

Episode #4


0:33|Gently breathing in
0:58|Allow external world to fade from your awareness
1:30|Invite in softness and relaxation
2:25|Invite spiritual guides to be present
3:34|Connect with your higher self
4:10|Feel the unconditional love
5:09|You are connected for life

My invitation to you is to give yourself this tremendous gift. 

Love, Amanda

amandasophia blog - Listen in iTunes and Subscribe! In this meditation, take a journey into the realms of your higher self. This is the place in which we truly create what we desire, receive our soul’s messages, and connect with the Universal consciousness of Love.
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