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How would you rate your relationship (0 being the “happy place” and 10 being triggered and unwell)?
Beloved, this podcast will educate you on a topic that should be covered in schools–how to create and maintain a healthy relationship. I am joined by Jayson Gaddis, author and relationship coach. Jayson offers in-depth educational programs on relationships, focusing on how to “get to zero” (i.e. the happiest point in a relationship).
For many of us, relationships have been poorly modeled. It’s essential to mature in our awareness so we may connect better with ourselves and others.
Creating healthy ways of being in the world, healthy boundaries, healthy relationships are essential for a fulfilling life. This episode is an invitation to implement boundaries first, by starting with ourselves, in our homes, relationships, to create a positive ripple effect.
You won’t want to miss this episode, beloved.
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Jayson founded The Relationship School® and leads the most comprehensive relationship training in the world on intimate relationships and partnership, called The Deep Psychology Of Intimate Relationships or (DPIR). DPIR is the ONLY curriculum on how intimate relationships work and how to do them well.
Join the Inner Circle of Feng Shui mentioned at the beginning of this episode here.
Purchase Jayson’s book “Getting to Zero” on Amazon.
Subscribe to Jayson’s podcast The Relationship School wherever you get your podcasts.
Episode #70
In this episode we chat about…
2:57 The Happy Place
4:03 Changing our mindset on conflict
5:18 Awareness levels, and tools
9:30 Coming back into connection
16:00 Additional rules to live by
19:25 Feng Shui’ng your energetic connection with each other
21:11 Solve disagreements face to face
23:26 Tips for all our relationships
25:03 Start Speaking your truth
29:37 Tipping the scales
31:53 Cultivating safe communication