Greece Retreat 2024 Single Room


Deposit to hold spot: $800 USD

Goddess, if you feel called to bring in codes, anchor Divine light, and open stargates to bring in the new earth, then this retreat is for YOU.  I invite you to open yourself up to this full celestial and sensual experience! You’re ready for this.

Please keep an eye out on the event page for further information on the schedule.

IMPORTANT: If you’ve already paid the USD$800 deposit and wish to pay in full, please use the coupon code below during checkout to reduce the total price by the deposit amount you’ve already paid.

Coupon: GreeceDepositOFF

NOTE: By purchasing this product, you are agreeing to communication and marketing sent to the email address provided, these emails will contain vital information about the retreat, and we recommend that you respond to them if you have any questions or concerns.

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