Awen Symbol - Join The Infinite Consciousness Collective, a transformative membership portal designed to support your personal and spiritual growth through ascension.

Are you ready to cultivate the ultimate balance between Heaven and Earth, activate your highest potential, and ascend through the earthly human experience?

Join The Infinite Consciousness Collective, a transformative membership portal designed to support your personal and spiritual growth through ascension.

This holistic, membership-based community is focused on empowering your whole self, guiding you to live consciously and become the highest ascending version of yourself.

Within the sacred container of this collective, you’ll discover a treasure trove of resources and experiences to support your ascension journey. Connect with Amanda and your soul family in two exclusive monthly gatherings, where you’ll dive deep into transformative topics and practices.  Elevate your vibration and accelerate your ascension with special monthly light language activations and transmissions channeled by Amanda.

We’re so excited to welcome you into our community!

Click the button below and be the first to know when enrollment opens!