Secrets of a Feng Shui Goddess

Did you know we spend over 80% of our time indoors? Our home must be supportive and nurturing for us. When you enter your home, you should feel as though it is encouraging and embracing you. In Feng Shui, we learn home is merely an outward expression of what is going on in our lives. This is why it is so essential for your home to reflect the life you want to live.

A Feng Shui Goddess Declutters Her Home

I am always asked what the first step in Feng Shui is. Most importantly, I suggest that your home is clutter-free. That means anything that is no longer serving or honoring you. Clearing your home includes clothing you have not worn in a year, things that are broken, you don’t need, use, or cherish. Decluttering also includes getting rid of gifts that have been given to you that no longer serve a purpose or you do not love. Clearing out presents can bring up emotional hesitations, but these gifts can still be used by others that need them. Charitable giving and recycling allow you to give to others as well as honor mother earth. 

A Feng Shui Goddess Attracts Love

Beloved, do you want to attract love? Dress the home up like you are already in a loving relationship. Have all the items in the bedroom in pairs, including nightstands and lamps. Make space in the closet showing you have time and space in your life for a relationship. Bring in artwork and statues that show romance and intimacy. The bedroom is for rest and romance, and anything that is not serving this should be removed. Keep photos of your family, friends, and past lovers out of your bedroom. Keep in mind the Southwest corner of your home is the area for love. Place some rose quartz and a small water fountain there to usher in romantic energy.

A Feng Shui Goddess Seeks Abundance

Want more abundance? Make sure your home reflects that. Get yourself fresh flowers every week. Make sure your front entrance is warm and welcoming to invite the energy into your home. Do not put cactus by the front door; it will deter the abundance from coming in. Position your bed in the “command position” and avoid sleeping under a window or overhead beams. Have a solid wall behind you, and be able to see the door from your bed.

The same rule goes for your desk positioning; do not align the desk with the door, but be able to see it as you work. By doing this it allows your nervous systems to relax so you can be more focused on what you are doing.  This invites opportunities into your life, not having your back to them. The Southeast location of your home is for wealth. Place items related to wealth in this space to usher in abundance.

A Feng Shui Goddess Cherishes Her Well-Being

To improve your health and well-being, keep the kitchen clean and bright. Let go of the microwave. Keep all EMF’s (electromagnetic fields) to a minimum and away from the bedroom. Replace old, digital alarm clocks with a battery-powered one or keep your clock away from the bed.

Invite all the elements of nature into your home; natural gems, gentle water fountains, fresh flowers, and natural sunlight for the fire element.  Having an abundance of live plants will improve the air quality of your space. Create a special altar in an area where you can meditate, dream, and journal in a sacred space private for you. Keep your toilet lids down to avoid spreading germs throughout the bathroom. Get rid of toxins and chemicals in your home. The centre of your home represents health, so make sure it is not cluttered, live in harmony with the earth, be grateful and love your home.

Before You Go

A Feng Shui Goddess adopts these best practices and more. The home is your sanctuary to retreat, experience joy, and find proper rest. Although the wisdom of Feng Shui may take time to attain, the most meaningful changes begin one step at a time, Beloved. 

I encourage you to explore more of Feng Shui by joining The Inner Circle of Feng Shui, your ultimate library for Feng Shui, holistic business, and spiritual empowerment, designed to elevate conscious living. Beloved, I would love to hear more about your Feng Shui journey. Reach out with your biggest takeaway.

Love, Amanda