Divorce/Uncoupling – Be supported in the transition with Feng Shui


Duration: 1 hr, 29 min

The discomfort of divorce affects your emotional, mental and physical and spiritual state, and the energy in the home you shared with your spouse, partner. It’s important to let yourself go thru the necessary processes and steps to heal. Feng Shui can not stop the pain, however, having a Sacred Space where you are safe to feel, heal and move forward is so important. This class will support you to create a sacred space for healing and finding yourself, and create beauty and harmony in your life and home again.

The Law of Attraction also uses the universal flow of energy focusing on our intentions and aligning with the life we choose to create.  Learn how to create a home that emanates you being worthy. In Feng Shui, we see the home as the microcosmos of the macro cosmos; a smaller-scale representation of the external world. Your home can be used as a large vision board to create and attract anything you wish to manifest in your life. It’s all about consciously creating the space for the life you want to live and that invites you to rise up and constantly be inspired. 

Purchase this class for $19.95 or join the Inner Circle of Feng Shui for only $350 per year with two months free and get access to our library of over 10 years of resources: webinars, classes, interviews with industry experts, business support, and resources, in addition to two (2) live classes per month. The Inner Circle of Feng Shui provides continuing education and support for like-minded souls who are passionate about sharing the wisdom of Feng Shui and living consciously.

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