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Category: Geomancy & Land Healing

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Geomancy & Land Healing Articles

The Interdependent Fusion between Geomancy and Feng Shui

The Interdependent Fusion between Geomancy and Feng Shui

There’s a powerful fusion between the arts and wisdom of Feng Shui and Geomancy. The underlying principles are not only similar, but both rely on the energy fields that make up everything, a magnetic force if you will. In many cases, Feng Shui is the first step to...

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The Shifting of Our Sense of Place

The Shifting of Our Sense of Place

Home: a word we all define in our own way. Home may be where our family resides or the house where we grew up. It may be where we feel the most at peace or where our ancestors laid roots.  Today, we are here to look at the broader version of home, beloved. The home...

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How the Land has Informed and Guided Us

How the Land has Informed and Guided Us

Today, our perspective of ‘place’ is drastically different from our ancestors. Centuries ago, our ancestors had an interdependency with their landscape. A geomantic perspective and reverence of the land were at the forefront of their cultures. It was not about...

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